Comprehensive auto insurance can mean different things to different people, but essentially you’re getting coverage on yourself and your car as well as any other car, person or property you may hit. There are certain events, such as hit-and-run accidents in Scotia, NY, that may not be covered under comprehensive auto insurance, but most major events will fall under the comprehensive package.
Is It Worth It?
If you’ve been given a car by a relative for free and you know you have savings to buy another car should it be totaled, you probably don’t need comprehensive coverage. You may want to up the limits on your policy if you haven’t looked at it in a while, but buying comprehensive coverage is likely not necessary. However, most people aren’t sure of how they’ll get to work if their car is no longer an option, nor are they prepared to buy something new or pay for expensive repairs if they do happen to cause an accident. It can be extremely stressful on the responsible party, and one that they’re not ready to bear. In this case, buying the comprehensive auto insurance is both helpful for your finances and for your state of mind.
Making Better Choices
DePaulo Agency can help you decide on a better policy if you should need one — whether it’s comprehensive or not. We won’t push you toward one decision or the other, we’ll just give you the facts and the possible consequences of each potential option. Insurance can get confusing, and sometimes people just need a short conversation to sort out more about the basic facts and situations. To find out more about about comprehensive coverage in Scotia, NY, call DePaulo Agency to speak to our staff and get the answers you need today.